We’re going to have a quick health lesson today.  It’s a quick overview of how the body creates new blood cells.  Why am I doing this?  Because creating new blood cells are key to repairing and rejuvenating the body.  Along with weak bones, a low red blood count can leave the body feeling tired and drained.  It’s important that you take the right steps to have a healthy supply.


Blood Cell Formation

New blood cells are created in the bones.  Along with blood cells, our bones are constantly building and replacing bone mass, which is called remodeling.  When we’re young, bones are busy growing.  And once we reach our peak growth, the bones continue to remodel.  This involves the creation of new bone mass and removing the old.  This is also how bones repair themselves.


Get More Hop In Your Day

While one of the reasons for low red blood count is nutrition, recently researchers have found that blood stimulation is created when the bones are slightly bent.  This is caused by movement such as walking, biking or any other activity.  Just like how I mentioned in a previous blog post that the body triggers new skin when the old is exfoliated, the body triggers new cell growth when the bones are stimulated.  So, all of those old black and white videos showing people doing jumping jacks may look silly, but now we’re finding out they may be even more beneficial.  Not only does it increase your heart rate, build stronger bones, but the small jumps cause a slight bend in the bones, which stimulates new blood growth. 


Now, I’m not saying to go out and do jumping jacks.  What I’m saying is start moving!  Get outside, take a walk, stroll around the yard, take a bike ride, visit a park, find a local walking trail, anything to get the body moving and creating a slight bend in the bones.  You won’t get this by sitting on the couch, find ways to move those bones!